Using scientifically researched techniques to help you explore and heal the underlying root cause of physical, mental, and spiritual symptoms.
What are you struggling with?

Do you worry about things all the time? Irrational fears that you can't control? Negative thoughts running through your mind?

Do you feel numb, flat, and not finding much enjoyment out of your life anymore? Is every day Groundhog Day?

Are you feeling sad and lost? Are you wondering what is the point? Do you feel like you have no purpose?

Are you struggling to come to terms with loss? Do you grieve over a lost loved one, a beloved pet, or perhaps a lost relationship?

Do you frequently feel alone? Even when you're with people? Loneliness is more common than you think.

Is your relationship ending and you are struggling to accept it for what it has become? Do you put up with being unhappy because you just can't let go?

Do you struggle to get in the mood? Are you suffering with intimacy problems? Is it causing problems in your relationship?

Do you recognise yourself? Perhaps you have lost your sense of self in motherhood or relationships? Is your identity so tied up with everyone and everything else?

Are you feeling stressed every day, even by the smallest things? Do you easily feel overwhelmed?
Hypnotherapy can help with these issues!
(and even more...)
By being open to finding the root cause of why you feel this way, we can dive deep into the subconscious mind where all the outdated programs are running and create new neuronal networks in the brain, NEW BELIEFS AND PROGRAMS that serve you better.
The old programs that are sending chemical signals to the body as emotions will weaken and disappear and be replaced with shiny, new, better feeling ones that assist and support your new healthy and happy life! This means that your goals will no longer be sabotaged by you!
Your body, mind, and spirit will feel lighter!
Do you feel like nothing is really working?
Somatic Hypnosis utilises the wisdom of the body, mind, and spirit to help clear outdated programs, limiting beliefs, and hardwired neurological networks in the brain (and body!). Peel back the layers of the trauma onion and start healing the wound from its epicenter. Allow the wisdom of the subconscious mind to make connections and bring important insights into conscious awareness so that you can take charge of your physical and emotional healing. Free your body from stored emotion, overcome limiting beliefs, heal past wounds, and finally understand the why.

Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.
Carl Jung
Heal the body and mind using its own innate resources.
You are in a hypnotic state when you go to sleep and wake up, and at other times like driving, listening to music, and reading a good book.
Trauma and emotions are stored in the body. It is important to allow them to discharge in order to relieve associated symptoms.
Hypnotherapy can help heal mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual symptoms which may be holding you back in life.

Hypnosis is safe. While under hypnosis, you maintain full control and awareness, and cannot be made to do anything against your own will.
Hypnosis is simply an altered state of consciousness whereby your focus changes from the outside five senses to the inner environment of your mind.
Who's making the decisions? 95% of our decisions are made by our subconscious mind before our conscious thinking mind has even "made a decision".
Q: What is somatic hypnosis?
A: Somatic Hypnosis Technique is a long, deep dive using the subconscious mind to explore the origin of current physical, mental, or spiritual symptoms. With
psychoneurobiological, spiritual, and quantum scientific bases, it integrates body-oriented
approaches with the techniques of hypnosis. It aims to address physical sensations,
emotions, and trauma stored in the body by accessing the subconscious mind through
hypnotic states.
Q: How does somatic hypnosis work?
A: Somatic hypnosis works by guiding individuals into a deep state of focused attention (hypnosis) using guided and progressive relaxation and other hypnosis inductions. This is to move the limited conscious mind aside and access the subconscious mind to explore deeply held emotions, beliefs, or memories which are only accessible by the intelligent, higher mind. However, what sets Somatic Hypnosis Technique apart is that it works on the psychoneurobiological premise of mind-body-spirit principles which posit that all symptoms of the body and mind are stored energy manifesting as dis-ease or symptoms and that the symptom holds the key, the message, to what that soul needs to heal energetically and emotionally. Release the emotion and belief, heal the symptom. By approaching therapy from a body-mind-spirit perspective, in combination with bypassing the limited conscious mind, we can facilitate healing on all
emotional, physiological and spiritual levels.
Q: What issues can somatic hypnosis help with?
A: Somatic Hypnosis can help with almost all issues including trauma, stress, pain, anxiety,
sadness, and emotional and physical difficulties. This is because everything is a symptom of
an underlying belief or emotional experience in which have imprinted into soul, and we have
done this for a reason, whatever that may be. We have put symptoms or pain or injury into our
bodies for a reason and to give us a message. Once we find what it is, it no longer needs to be
there and we can let it go. Release the emotional charge and loosen the neural networks around
that belief, and we can restore healthy energetics within the cells and body. Science is catching
up to what mystics and ancients have known for a long time; the mind-body-spirit connection of
dis-ease and illness are real. Just take a look at the placebo effect to see the effect the mind has on
the body!
Q: Is somatic hypnosis safe?
A: Yes. Somatic Hypnosis is considered safe when conducted by a qualified and
experienced therapist. However, it's essential to work with a practitioner who has knowledge
and skills in both the mechanisms of the human body and hypnotherapy to ensure safe and
effective treatment. This is an intensive style of hypnotherapy whereby you are awake and alert
during the entire session with complete control over what you say and do, and leave the session
with a full memory of everything your subconscious wishes for you to remember of the session. In
addition to this, a recording is given to you so you can replay and listen as often as you like, gaining
new insights each time.
Q: How many sessions of somatic hypnosis are typically needed?
A: The number of sessions needed varies depending on the individual and the specific issues
being addressed. This is usually dependent upon the readiness of the client to release the symptom and
let go. Trust that you have discovered this therapy and made the appointment because you are finally ready, and your subconscious mind has indeed led you here at the right time. This intensive style of therapy is designed to be one single long session; however, you are welcome to book another later on if you would like to explore more issues. Just remember that after each session, there will be an integration period in which you will need to allow sufficient processing time to adjust the new frequency of your cells and biology. This can take weeks or months, but you are welcome to reach out at any time for support.
Q: What can I expect during a somatic hypnosis session?
A: During a Somatic Hypnosis session, we commence by having an informal 30 - 45 minute discussion about the areas of your life that you would like to focus on including any physical, mental, or spiritual issues or questions you may have. Next, you will be guided into a relaxed state of hypnosis using various hypnosis induction methods. Then you will scan your body and notice any contractions or discomfort, allowing your subconscious to lead you to the area that will be the bridge to the root cause of where healing is needed. Your higher self and inner wisdom have a higher perspective of what you need than you do and will know what is truly needed to heal, however wherever possible, I'll gently steer you towards the areas you've indicated you'd like to focus on, as discussed in the pre-hypnotic interview. I may use a combination of hypnotic suggestions, somatic techniques, cellular release, DNA activation, and guided imagery to help you process emotions, transmute the "negative" stored energy, and promote healing. Your higher self, inner wisdom of the unconscious mind, and the greater collective consciousness assist with each session and within each session may include techniques such as age regression, past life regression, timeline therapy, Gestalt therapy, cognitive behavioural therapy, solution-focused therapy, soul therapy, and/or between-lives regression work.
Q: How do I find a qualified somatic hypnosis practitioner?
A: Somatic Hypnosis Technique (SHT) is my own unique method, cultivated after decades of observing the placebo effect and somatic experiences of patients in my nursing career, and more recently by witnessing the profound results experienced by my hypnotherapy clients. Clinical hypnotherapy and applied psychotherapy studies provided me a solid foundation of knowledge and skills to use as a starting point for my more holistic and integrative somatic technique. As far as qualifications go, if you are interested in this type of hypnotherapy, it is best to seek a professional who is trained in both hypnotherapy as well as human anatomy, psychotherapy, and physiology.


I offer my unique hypnotherapy service to you as a registered clinical hypnotherapist, neuro-linguistic programmer, psychotherapist, spiritual hypnotherapist, and registered nurse. Growing up, I have always had an interest in all things related to the body, mind, consciousness, and metaphysical, toggling my time as a young teen between tarot cards and astrological charting for friends and family, with learning anatomy and physiology and breeding mice to study their genetic predispositions.
I felt a continuous conflict between the spiritual and scientific opinions, but always felt that it was all connected. In high school, we were asked to create a scientific experiment for an assessment, and my hypothesis was that plants grow better when spoken to with love rather than hate. For those interested, the experiment worked!!
I have always been interested in the human experience of "wellness" and have been a healer for decades. I use quotations for "wellness" as we are led to believe many things about wellness, however, it is a complex and intricate concept that means something different for everyone. My approach is spiritual in essence, largely underpinned by modern science, particularly neuroscience, quantum physics, and epigenetics, and my mind is constantly busy thinking outside the box and researching interesting elements to integrate into my practice. Spending two decades as a Registered Nurse and immersed in the western medical model of healthcare, I have often felt disillusioned with the limitations of the current model as each system is usually treated separately; we have the physical, the mental, the spiritual, all as separate systems to heal in different ways, each with different specialists. It has only been in fairly recent years that spirituality, science, psychology, and medicine are coming together to look at these systems as interrelated and that each one has a direct impact on the others. Throughout my life and career, I have often felt that
and trust in what they are told is the
and I am so happy to have found a path where I can build on my medical knowledge to help people truly feel and know their own power to heal and transform their lives. It is my life's work to naturally blend traditional, non-traditional and ancient techniques into one beautiful, transformative healing experience.
It is my pleasure to offer my services as a Clinical Hypnotherapist to facilitate a healing, a knowing, a connection with your soul, and to discover your purpose in this life. Looking forward to working with you!
Needless to say, I was different.
I never quite fit into mainstream society as a young person as I was always on a quest to
know more,
read more,
and ask the big questions.
people willingly (and often reluctantly) give away their power
only way to heal
We just need to allow the conscious mind to get out of the way long enough for the subconscious mind to work its magic.
What will you get out of it?
What makes this different?